No Ordinary Girl…My REVIEW: “Stella on Science” Children’s Book and Giveaway

Feb 13, 2017 | Reviews | 26 comments


That is a bold statement and a question I’ve been asking myself since I was a little girl. I still remember that sunny day sitting in the back of that yellow rustic taxi cab window. The sun glistening through the trees and it’s reflection brushing my face as we stroll down that ole rugged mountain road.  Every time we would pass green plants, shrubs or flowers, I was curious as to how they played a part in our world.

I have the greatest honor and privilege of knowing the author, Amber Bennett of “Stella on Science“, a fantastic children’s book that truly resonates with our culture and society today. I had the opportunity to read the book prior to it hitting the shelves in every bookstore around the land and I certainly can say, I fell in love with the story, the colored pages and the entire book!  I certainly believe you’re never too old to pick up a children’s book, in my opinion.

I don’t won’t to spoil the book for you, but I wanted to share with you why this book can change our future for every little girl and how I felt a connection with Stella!

story1 (Image from the book, Stella on Science)

This book had the most vivid and colorful pages I’ve ever seen in a children’s book. Each page depicts every feeling I had as a little girl. To dream.  While reading this book, I couldn’t help but think about the days in the back of that yellow cab. Stella and I had something in common. We were curious.  Curious about life around us and how we would fit in.

story4 (Image from the book, Stella on Science)

Botany, defined as the study of plants was going to be my dream job. I just knew it. I wanted to be the one who found the cure for cancer. As excited as I was to start that journey in chasing my dream, it quickly came crashing down after about four months in. Chemistry, physics and mathematics were definitely not my strong suits, so I gave up and decided to change my major. Why did I do that? I obviously had the mentality that if I couldn’t be successful in the classroom, how the heck could I make it in the field? I remember thinking this career would be better for men vs women.

That was then.

Today, the most important role in my life is being an aunt to my amazing niece, Teagan, and I can’t help but think about her future. What will her dreams be? What will she want to be when she grows up?  Will she be curious like Stella? I do my best to tell her I’ll always be in her corner to tell her how beautiful, amazing and smart she is and that she will grow up to do exceptional things with her life. The life she has ahead of her is limitless. She just has to soar.

story2 (Image from the book, Stella on Science)

If I had at least one person who really believed in me and told me I would’ve been anything I wanted to be as a little girl, I would’ve been living my dream as a Botanist today. All it takes is for our children to be raised with a vision that they are powerful little humans who shouldn’t let a title, label or a corner office discourage them from owning it!

For our future, I have a message:

To: Teagan and all the little girls who will wonder what they will be like as they grow, I hope you choose to live your life to be a warrior! One that’s full of kindness, bravery, purpose, daring, leader, fierce, boundless, unstoppable, equal, creative, flawless and nothing short of EXTRAORDINARY as you certainly are NO ORDINARY GIRL!

story7(Aunt Wiz and Teagan)

Would you like to WIN an autographed copy by Stella and Amber Bennett???
Leave me a comment below telling me what you wanted to be when you grew up, and I’ll choose a random comment on February 23rd, 2017 (using and announce the winner here on the blog and on social media!

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 I received a copy of this book for reviewing purposes. The review is written by me on behalf of Amber Bennett. The opinions expressed above are all mine.


  1. Tia | Pennies In My Pocket

    I love books that are engaging yet educational. This looks like a great read, thanks for sharing.

  2. lavonnia1978

    I just wanted to understand science! That was one subject I did NOT do well in.

  3. Alli Rutherford Smith

    I love the big, colorful illustrations. This book would make a great gift for all the little girls in my life. It looks like such a fun, educational book.

  4. robin Rue

    That sounds like a great book for kids. I think my younger nieces would absolutely love it.

  5. HeidiDee

    I love this! My dream when I was younger was to be a herpetologist. The school that I went to was very conservative and definitely discouraged that. I agree that children should be encouraged to shoot for the stars!

  6. kage2015

    Love it when a book has great colorful bright pictures that go along the story. Helps the younger kids to engage and enjoy the story that much more.

  7. Franc Ramon

    There’s so much to learn from Stella. She could also be a good role model for kids.

  8. Chrishelle Ebner

    I love books that encourage children to dream. I love the bright and beautiful pics, so engaging. On my way to enter your giveaway now.

  9. Eileen

    When I was growing up, I really wanted to be an astronaut! But just like you, math was not my strongest subject and a shift in my major also happened in my sophomore year. Although it seems that my childhood dream will never become a reality, I never cease to look up at the stars at night and wonder, “what if…” I would love to have this book for my grandchildren to read. It will inspire them to reach for their dreams!

  10. Dawn McAlexander

    Books like this one helped to inspire me when I was a kid. I am glad to see that the tradition of reading books like this has not gotten lost in the world of modern technology. It really does inspire us to dream.

  11. Christy Maurer

    I love children’s books so much! Reading was and still is a huge part of my life while I was growing up. I wanted to be many things when I was little!

  12. swood97

    This is a really cute book geared towards girls. I like the bright pictures as they will keep the child’s attention during the reading. I used to read Nancy Drew books as a child and wanted to be a detective when I grew up! Instead I became a blogger so it’s almost the same….inquisitive wise. 😉

  13. Lula Ruger

    I wanted to be a teacher

  14. Lula Ruger

    Follow No Ordinary Liz on Twitter. @lularuger

  15. MimiCuteLips (@mimicutelips)

    This is such an aspiring story. My little is five and I’ve been teaching her that girls can do whatever boys can do. This is a great book to share with her. It goes with our theme.

  16. Lula Ruger

    Like No Ordinary Liz on Facebook. Lula Ruger

  17. Lula Ruger

    Follow Amber Bennett on Twitter. @lularuger

  18. Bella

    There is nothing better than an educational book that kids actually enjoy. This would be perfect for my neice.

  19. Lisa-Marie

    Always wanted to be an astronaut! The book looks inspiring!

  20. Anosa

    I love those colorful illustrations. I use to have some when i was young and its so fun to read.

  21. Emily

    This seems like such a cute book with a great message! My kids are getting older and are almost out of the picture book phase, this would have been a great book for them when they were little.

  22. John

    What a great message. Too often young girls are discouraged from chasing their dreams. I’m glad more people are working to change that.

  23. Shannon Graham

    I remember thinking when I was younger that it would be easier to learn if they made the books more kid-friendly. I love how this book is setup and lucky you getting to read it before anyone else!

  24. Stephanie Pass

    Science is my youngest daughter’s favorite topic. I need to get this book for her because it’s right up her alley.

  25. The Trophy WifeStyle

    Oooo what a great book!!! I bet my daughter would love this!!! She is the perfect age for this book!


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No Ordinary Liz is unique stories about my past in foster care, my awesome present life and hope for the future. I have lived a not so ordinary life so to speak and feel that I need to share these experiences with each of you. These stories will be funny, sad, inspirational, uncomfortable and motivational. Stop by and take a look around. And don’t forget to purchase my book!

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