Welcome To No Ordinary Liz
No Ordinary Liz is unique stories about my past in foster care, my awesome present life and hope for the future. I have lived a not so ordinary life so to speak and feel that I need to share these experiences with each of you. These stories will be funny, sad, inspirational, uncomfortable and motivational. Stop by and take a look around. And don’t forget to purchase my book!
No Ordinary Life –

Howdy, My name is Liz and I’m the writer for No Ordinary Liz. (When you read this and future blogs, Imagine a southern accent, it will make everything read better) Thank you for stopping by and checking out my blog. I hope you enjoy reading about my tales as much as I enjoy writing about them.
No Ordinary Liz is all about me sharing my stories, experiences and lord knows what else as a way to inspire, motivate or simply bring a smile to your face. I wanted to start a blog as a way to connect with people, give hope, build new relationships, simply share my story and to give resources that were passed down to me from cool people that I have met along way. Stories and posts that I share are opinions of my own. Guest posts are always welcome!
When I’m not blogging, or advocating for our amazing foster youth, I’m a Leadership Enablement Coordinator for a professional services firm. You may find me at a speaking engagement or volunteering my time at a non-profit organization in my city. In my free time, I enjoy movies, camping, bowling, game nights and simply hanging out with friends.
Check out my recently published book: No Ordinary Liz. One woman’s incredible journey to survive foster care and discover her true identity. This is a complex, intriguing story filled with twists and turns as Liz unravels her complicated past. Part memoir, part guidebook, this book offers support and resources for agencies, foster youth and foster parents.
“If there’s a scent or sight that brings me right back to my childhood, it’s blackberries. For other people, their childhood memories are brought to life by the scent of fresh-cut grass, the steamy fragrance from the dryer vent, the tang of gasoline, or maybe the sound of an old song.
Even as an adult, every time I see blackberries in a grocery store or catch a glimpse of them hanging from the prickly arms of a shrub, I’m vanked back to those days…”
I’m also an author of a story in the book “Growing up in the Care of Strangers” – Where eleven former child welfare clients share their experiences, insights and recommendations for improving services to and the outcome of children in foster care, orphanages, juvenile justice and mental health placements. Now college-educated adults who work with or on behalf of children in placement, their individual and collective wisdom questions current “best practice” and offers alternatives. [William Gladden Foundation Press]

Author Bio –
Liz Sutherland graduated from Western Carolina University with degrees in Computer Information Systems & Criminal Justice. She now works in Tampa and has her own blog, talking about her search for her family. She was featured in the book Growing Up In The Care of Strangers and is the author of No Ordinary Liz, a book chronicling her incredible life story. She has been a frequent motivational speaker for organizations, and has had her life story featured on several podcasts, radio, and TV shows. She is a founding board member of Fostering Success and has been a frequent motivational speaker.
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