No Ordinary Halloween (GIVEAWAY)

Halloween is upon us friends and you know what that means. Haunted houses, costume parties, lots of candy and loads of fear for what may be lurking in the dark… FEAR A word that is constantly hiding around in everyone’s back pockets.  FEAR of heights, FEAR...

No Ordinary Fear (GIVEAWAY)

FEAR A word that is constantly hiding around in everyone’s back pockets.  FEAR of heights, FEAR of public speaking, FEAR of spiders, and FEAR of the dark.  It comes in many forms and learns to camouflage itself in a way that you don’t know how to identify...

CHOSEN Took My Breath Away…

Follow my blog with Bloglovin There are things in life that are generally expected to take our breath away, you meet that great love (yep, still looking), you experience the birth of a baby, (adorbs) or you hit your big toe on the corner of your dresser…OUCH! ...